Monday, September 6

Geninne's inspiring home

This home comes pretty close to what I would imagine my dream home to be like. It is the home of Geninne Zlatkis and Manolo Benitez - designed and built by Manolo himself, an architect and furniture designer. Such a talented couple - you may already know Geninne through her fascinating art blog. I can't get enough of this house in Querétaro, Mexico, which Geninne shares with us on her blog everyday. I'm particularly taken with her huge studio which is filled with her beautiful artwork and perfectly arranged items, not to mention the view! This couple is such an inspiration!
all images used with kind permission of Geninne


  1. Her home is just as wonderful as her work! Thanks for sharing, very inspiring!

  2. Geninne's home is gorgeous! I'd recently discovered her blog and its quickly become one of my faves!


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